Transform your strategy into planning, budgeting, and forecasting!
Three of the most crucial aspects of DAAD Solutions in performance management are planning, company budgeting, and forecasting.
The primary goal here is to turn an efficient strategy into long-term planning, medium-term budgeting, and short-term forecasting with a focus on achieving strategic and financial objectives, ensuring continuous value creation for shareholders.
Expert consultants at DAAD Solutions assist you in effective planning, budgeting, and forecasting (PBF) through the following four main axes:
- What business are we in?
- How do we compete?
- Which decisions create the most value for shareholders?
- How to allocate resources to the strategy?
- How to assess performance and progress?
Company Budgeting
- How to ensure accountability?
- What is the incentive strategy for implementing the strategy?
- How to adjust and reflect the ever-changing environment?